Coaching Goals
Everyone is gifted.
But not everyone opens their package.
(Wolfgang Riebe)
Dr Jordan B Peterson
A Happy and Fulfilled Life
Sometimes we long for more happiness in our lives but are not sure what exactly is missing. A coach can guide you to discover your individual dreams and new ways to fulfil them.
Clients typically want to:
gain more meaning or purpose in life
increase happiness and fulfilment
gain clarity of their focus and direction
achieve more balance, harmony and success
Personal Strength and Growth
The process of learning is never completed. Throughout our lifetimes we constantly want to grow and develop towards a better version of ourselves.
Clients typically want to:
build their confidence, self-worth and self-esteem
grow in areas such as music, sports, languages and public speaking
enhance social skills such as listening, socialising and dealing with difficult people
improve general life skills such as time management, overcoming procrastination and dealing with money
Successful and Fulfilling Work Life
We are spending an enormous part of our time, energy and emotions at work. Any positive change in this area means a huge improvement to our overall well-being.
Clients frequently want to:
increase their job satisfaction
develop a healthy work-life balance
be more productive and successful at work
decrease their stress and emotional depletion
start, advance or change their career
Harmonious and Rewarding Social Life
A healthy social life is the core of happiness! Meaningful and harmonious relationships need to be carefully chosen and nurtured. This is true for both professional and personal relationships.
Clients often want to:
improve their relationships with their partner
find more meaningful friendships
improve their relationships with colleagues or their line manager
integrate better into their neighbourhood or community
find new hobbies and join groups without social anxiety or awkwardness
Feeling Good in Your Body
It is well known that our physical and mental wellbeing are so closely linked that we cannot have one without the other.
Clients often want to:
create and maintain a healthy lifestyle
achieve a healthier weight
increase their fitness and physical well-being
develop more effective and sustainable habits
slow down the aging process
create a body that feels and looks great
Finding Direction
​In addition, coaching can address wider questions that transform your whole life, such as:
what do I need to enhance the quality of my life and become more fulfilled?
how can I bring the different areas of my life together into a harmonious whole?
how can I focus on meaningful accomplishments rather than chasing never-ending to-do lists?
what is the purpose of my life and how can I achieve it?
what do I need in order to grow as a person?